Monday, June 13, 2016

The Problem With Love

(My first real attempt at spoken word.  A call for all Christians to remember to truly love like Jesus at all times, even when defending your faith and Biblical beliefs.  Don't forget the people, they are all precious to God and deserving of His unmerited favor and love.)

The Problem With Love

The problem with love, these days:  It's fake. It's faded. It's artificially created. It's genetically modified, self-justified, only love you if you can see MY side.  I couldn't love you, I TRIED! So now, I'll just hide...hide behind my rock-solid beliefs, while giving everybody, who even remotely disagrees, grief. Of sinners, I am chief.  But, do I ever show weakness?  Do I ever display meekness? Do I get off my high horse to serve?  Does our Heavenly Father give me what I deserve?  No.  A thousand times no.  Of this, I am certain. When Christ died, the curtain...Need I say more...the curtain: it no longer exists.  It was torn in two.  I was made new.  His love for me is vast.  My sin...our sin, was cast...into the depth of the sea.  So let's learn to love like HE: The Great I Am, who became but a man.  Who's love can't be measured. Love, a precious treasure. 

Love like Jesus.

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